Two methods Use Papaya Leaf Juice for Dengue Fever

Have you surprised Why is Papaya Leaf Remedy for Dengue? That really is a very appropriate question, that must be answered! It is simply than that yourself will be convinced regarding the effectiveness of papaya leaf in hitting dengue. Papaya Leaf Juice for Dengue Fever

Papaya leaves come gathered with important enzymes such as papain & chymopapain, that significantly improve the platelet count. Aside from that, these papaya leaves have various key vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorous, & iron.

Papaya Leaf Juice for Dengue Fever

Now you continue to reading to learn about doing the papaya leaf juice for treating the dengue fever. Here the most crucial perspective is that simply the raw leaf of papaya acts as the remedy for the illness. The following actions will show that for you:


Raw leaves of papaya- 2


Take raw leaves of papaya.

Remove the stems & the fibrous pieces of the leaves

Now extract out the juice from papaya leaves.

Directly drink the juice.

Repeat this process 2 times a day to observe the improvement

Two methods Use Papaya Leaf Juice for Dengue FeverPapaya Leaf paste to treat Dengue

Simply like the juice, the paste made from papaya leaves will assist in reducing the dengue fever also. Also here, you should utilize only the raw leaves.


Fresh raw leaves of papaya- 3

Fruit juice (of your choice) – 2 tablespoons


Take three fresh papaya raw leaves.

Blend them in the mixer to make the fine paste.

Mix the paste with two tablespoons of any fruit juice of your preference.

Stir well.

Directly drink the mixture.

Repeat this process times a day, for about 7 days.

You will get complete relief from dengue.


The above mentioned two remedial steps are just simple home remedies and are not suggested completely depend on these. Before going to take any measure consult your family doctor.

Indian Homemade peanut butter recipe

Peanut Butter is the stuff that gives me so comfortable. I love peanuts very much & peanut butter, particularly on sandwiches or as the dip for apples. I enjoy eating it. But this strange stuff is so pricey over here. So I explored a good and healthy recipe for homemade peanut butter & finally got this one. I assure you this taste approach better than store purchased stuff & it is a lot cheaper & healthier. You could make this & store it in the fridge & apply it as you want. You could apply this to provide all the goodies that call for peanut butter. I just suggest you all provide this a try & let us know what you believe about this. Read about Indian Homemade peanut butter recipe

Ingredients required peanut butter recipe:

  • Roasted Whole Peanuts: 250 grams
  • Powdered Palm Sugar / Jaggery: 3 tablespoon
  • Salt : 1/4 tsp
  • Oil : 2 tablespoon

Homemade peanut butter recipeMethod required peanut butter recipe:

  • Take peanuts in a blender, powder them into a powder.
  • Continue blending till oil comes from it, add in jaggery, salt and blend until smooth.
  • Now add in 1 tbsp of oil and puree till smooth. Now add in another tbsp of oil and puree till smooth.
  • Cut apples into thick slices and cut into finger-like strips.
  • Serve with apple sticks.

Read more: Peanuts for weightloss

Causes of Fordyce spots on upper lip

These are also called as Fordyce granules, Fordyce’s ailment also “sebaceous prominence”. These are small, painless, pale spots or bumps one to three mm in diameter. These bumps are inoffensive yet have frequently a big concern for cosmetic reasons. There is currently no method that is standard for these spots & physicians do not normally suggest treatment. It is, though, possible to decrease the distinctions of these spots or to get rid of them effectively. Below explained about Causes of Fordyce spots on upper lip.

These spots are normally large, external sebaceous or oil producing glands viewed on the moist tissues that line some organs also body mucosal or cavities surfaces. These sebaceous glands are not connected or associated with follicles of hair. These growths are asymptomatic, but inflammation or itching can happen if individuals treat these related bumps awkwardly.

Fordyce spots can develop at any point in life but normally, the frequency of occurrence rises with age, with aging individuals having the highest number.

Causes of Fordyce spots on upper lip

Fordyce spots Causes

These Fordyce spots have believed to cause by sebum that is the natural oil of your skin. This oil becomes trapped in a sebaceous gland so does not have hair. In maximum cases, sebaceous glands open in the hair follicle & its oil has secreted up the hair wave. But in the event of Fordyce spots, no hair suggests there are no means to discharge the natural body oil issues. Hence, the cause of the bumps.

Pimples happen in sebaceous glands with the blocked opening. They lack this basic route of escape. As well, bacteria cannot gain entrance either

Bacteria live on your skin of everyone & these bacteria spread on the sebaceous oil. As the bacteria spreads, they grow, making surrounding tissue enhance inflamed & painful – and this is the extension of a pimple. But Fordyce spots or sebaceous prominence do not let pain nor have any signs of pus – and essentially are not the skin infection.

Fordyce spots are not the infectious disease that can be spread about but rather are natural occurring on the adult skin. But, as many men find pimples unattractive, they seek advice for them.

Maximum of the time, healthcare professionals recommend against any treatment. Although, laser treatment for sebaceous prominence has been shown to some success to reduce Fordyce spots that are important.

Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Blackheads are strictly linked to acne, wherein both men and women resemble to be the silent victims of it. Blackheads appear as sores on the face, most usually appear on the nose. But, they are too known to seem in the chin area. Best home remedies to get rid of blackheads go the long process in assisting people to get rid of those dirty skin issues.

One of the foremost reasons for blackheads to develop is an oily T-zone, i.e, the forehead, chin, & nose area, that are the oiliest portions of the face. Blackheads happen when the pores on the distinct area of the face become closed.

They are black in color as they contain oxidized melanin, the pigment that provides skin its color. If the state of blackheads is too serious, one can apply makeup to close it up.

Therefore, we have come to the rescue & are recording three simple home remedies that one can apply to getting rid of blackheads at ease! Continue to read at these home made beauty tips for blackheads.

Gelatin Pack:

The adhesive nature of gelatin gives it great for getting rid of blackheads & other such dirt and impurities of the skin. Gelatin acts without creating too much pain & is too safe to practice. Go for the unflavoured ones. Stir the little gelatin powder with water & apply it quickly on the area, before it drains up to fit solid. Peel it off already it has dried thoroughly. You will notice all your blackheads are off in the jiffy. Make certain you place ice water on the area after this treatment to block the pores.

Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of BlackheadsToothpaste Scrub:

Apply any mint toothpaste which is the gel or white variety & joins some salt in it to do the scrub. The abrasiveness of the salt will secure the blackheads has removed simply after one application. Additionally, mint serves as the cooling agent assuring that not too much pain has caused by the salt scrubbing and cleaning. Make this once every week for best outcomes.

Egg Whites:

Use the one Egg whites, & mix it until it’s frothy. Utilizing the flat brush, use it on your nose. Put the tissue paper on top of this & join another layer of egg white on top of that, to do it harder. You have the very own DIY pore strip this method. Pull it off to reduce the blackheads. This also wants to be done one every week. Also for more read blackheads on chin

Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?

Many of us love to have tomato ketchup for the taste enrichment it gives. Tomato ketchup is a famous spice and is extensively used. Several people like to use it with each meal but this tangy surprise can do hurt to our bodies if eaten too much. Below explained regarding Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?

There are many of theories about benefits & harms of tomato ketchup. Tomato ketchup has composed mainly of tomato, sugar from high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, & salt. There are too preservatives, flavors, colors, vinegar & even onion in it.

Reason why tomato ketchup is bad for health:

To know more regarding tomato ketchup, take the look at the components:

Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?Less Tomatoes

Let us begin with the tomatoes. Tomatoes are especially useful for our health. They include nutrients like vitamins, lycopene, & minerals. They are too valuable in dietary fibers. Tomatoes shield us from heart diseases & cancers and too help weight loss.

Tomato ketchup includes tomato concentrate but the %tage of tomatoes is very less in commercially prepared ketchup. Normally, it is below 28%. Such fewer levels of tomato cannot do extremely good to the body.

High Sugar

Tomato ketchup takes its sweetness from large fructose corn syrup. This has huge calories & affects the level of blood sugar in your body. When eaten in high quantities, large fructose corn syrup may increase the blood sugar followed by the immediate drop. This can cause nausea & exhaustion. This component is clearly not for diabetics.

High Sodium

If sodium has eaten in high quantities, it can cause blood pressure go up. This can point to cardiac problems. Also, much sodium also makes water retention.

The high quantity of ketchup can make heartburn aside from the above-mentioned problems. These difficulties appear only when you eat too much ketchup. The ideal regular in taking of ketchup should not go ahead one tablespoon.

Best idea to eat tomato ketchup is to do it at home. I will apparently share the recipe someday & if you are looking for the weight loss then stay away from it till you reach the goal.