DIY Homemade Egg Deep Peel Off Face Mask

DIY Homemade Egg Deep Peel Off Face Mask

Are the facial skin pores clogged? Or are you possessing blackheads? If yes, then clearly these must be the cause of worry for you! You do not want to worry. We would share with you very effective DIY Homemade Egg Deep Peel Off Face Mask that can assist you deep clean the skin pores & eliminate blackheads.

Yes, those peel-out masks also act as great as any pore strips! Because the pore strips & peel off face masks can steal the pocket & go to the spa is also more expensive, why not apply this simple DIY pore strips that you may make in just fifteen minutes that also in the comforts of the home.


(i) Gelatin: 2 packets, plain & unflavored (allows ability to peel off)

(ii) Green Tea: 1/2 cup, brewed (any tea of your option)

(iii) Egg whites: 2

(iv) Lemon: ½, freshly squeezed lemon juice

DIY Homemade Egg Deep Peel Off Face MaskMethod:

(i) Take the egg, break it & depart the yolk from the white. Whisk the egg white till it turns foamy, Store the egg white aside, you will require it later.

(ii) Pour the green tea into the glass bowl. Combine the lemon juice & combine well. Mix in two packets of gelatin, & stir well.

(iii) Microwave it for 5 to 10 seconds to blend the mixture well. You can have to microwave it again after some time if it has not mixed well.

(iv) Allow the mix cool down to room temperature or you may keep it in the refrigerator for this purpose. Stir in the white egg & mix it well.

(v) Apply the mask onto the face, using the brush or your fingers. You require making it the thick sufficient layer to make a peel-off effect. Apply one layer let it for some time, & then combine another. If you feel it is still not the thick layer, join the third coat.

(v) Allow the mask on for approximately twenty to thirty minutes, till it dries out. Do not leave it for extra time or it will make super tight & you would not get the pull off the effect. Peel it off, & clean your face with the lukewarm water.

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