Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?

Many of us love to have tomato ketchup for the taste enrichment it gives. Tomato ketchup is a famous spice and is extensively used. Several people like to use it with each meal but this tangy surprise can do hurt to our bodies if eaten too much. Below explained regarding Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?

There are many of theories about benefits & harms of tomato ketchup. Tomato ketchup has composed mainly of tomato, sugar from high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, & salt. There are too preservatives, flavors, colors, vinegar & even onion in it.

Reason why tomato ketchup is bad for health:

To know more regarding tomato ketchup, take the look at the components:

Is Tomato Ketchup Good For Your Health?Less Tomatoes

Let us begin with the tomatoes. Tomatoes are especially useful for our health. They include nutrients like vitamins, lycopene, & minerals. They are too valuable in dietary fibers. Tomatoes shield us from heart diseases & cancers and too help weight loss.

Tomato ketchup includes tomato concentrate but the %tage of tomatoes is very less in commercially prepared ketchup. Normally, it is below 28%. Such fewer levels of tomato cannot do extremely good to the body.

High Sugar

Tomato ketchup takes its sweetness from large fructose corn syrup. This has huge calories & affects the level of blood sugar in your body. When eaten in high quantities, large fructose corn syrup may increase the blood sugar followed by the immediate drop. This can cause nausea & exhaustion. This component is clearly not for diabetics.

High Sodium

If sodium has eaten in high quantities, it can cause blood pressure go up. This can point to cardiac problems. Also, much sodium also makes water retention.

The high quantity of ketchup can make heartburn aside from the above-mentioned problems. These difficulties appear only when you eat too much ketchup. The ideal regular in taking of ketchup should not go ahead one tablespoon.

Best idea to eat tomato ketchup is to do it at home. I will apparently share the recipe someday & if you are looking for the weight loss then stay away from it till you reach the goal.

Top 7 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

cayenne pepper right now gaining the buzz for cleansing & detoxifying systems such as the Master Clean, which uses the spice to incite circulation & neutralize acidity. Below explained regarding Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper.

Cayenne pepper has utilized for a kind of disorders comprising heartburn, tremors, delirium, gout, fever, paralysis, dyspepsia, flatulence, atonic dyspepsia, sore throat, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women, tonsillitis, nausea, scarlet fever, & diphtheria.

The Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

1. Cayenne Pepper has Anti-Irritant Properties

Cayenne can relieve the upset stomach, sore throats, ulcers, spasmodic, irritating coughs, and diarrhea.

2. Cayenne Pepper is Anti-Cold & Flu Agent

Cayenne pepper helps in breaking up & moving congested mucus. Once mucus starts to leave the body, easing from flu symptoms follows.

Top 7 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper3. Cayenne Pepper has Anti-Fungal Properties

The results of one study showed that cayenne pepper could efficiently prevent the formation of the fungal pathogens phimosis and collecttrichum

4. Cayenne Pepper has Anti-Redness Properties

Cayenne’s properties make it an excellent herb for various chronic & degenerative conditions.

5. Cayenne Pepper aids Produce Saliva

Cayenne incites the production of saliva, an essential key to excellent digestion & supporting optimal oral health.

6. Cayenne Pepper has Useful for Blood Clots

Cayenne pepper also aids reduce atherosclerosis, encourages fibrinolytic activity & prevents factors that lead to the creation of blood clots, all of which can contribute to reducing the chances of the heart attack or stroke.

7. Cayenne Pepper has Anti-Bacterial Properties

Cayenne is an excellent preservative and has used traditionally to restrict food contamination from the bacteria.

Home Remedies for Loose Motion

In original terms, loose motion means you should have watery stools that happen more often than usual. It has also recognized as diarrhea, that most people have experienced. It can be severe or chronic. There can be several reasons behind this unexpected change in the bowel movements, comprising a viral infection, parasitic attack, food poisoning, bacterial infection, a side effect of antibiotics & lactose racism, to name the few. Below are Home Remedies for Loose Motion.

In most of the cases, loose motion lasts a couple of days. Though, if it continues for the week or more, it is necessary to consult the doctor. It can the sign of a severe digestive disease. Additionally, it can lead to dehydration & weakness; that is not good for the overall health.

To decrease the frequency of loose motion & cause the bowel movements to balance, there are several pure & natural home remedies.


Chamomile has antidiarrheal effects. Therefore, it is suitable for treating loose motion. It supports the digestive system function correctly. It also has antispasmodic qualities that aid reduce abdominal spasms & pain.

Home Remedies for Loose MotionPomegranate

Pomegranate is the different traditional remedy for diarrhea. It gives the body with antiviral, antifungal, & antibacterial profits. It inhibits harmful bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach walls, therefore preventing the loose motion from growing chronic. It can even support lessen vomiting, nausea, and poor appetite.


Yogurt is the excellent source of probiotics strains of bacteria that are related to the healthy bacteria commonly found in the digestive system. These bacteria aid repair the right bacteria in the gut. It in turn aids combat the diarrhea-causing germs in the digestive tract.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the excellent remedy to stop the loose motion. This natural antibiotic aids cure diarrhea by destroying the diarrhea-causing organisms in an intestine.

It’s high pectin content calms the irritated lining of the colon. Plus, it helps maintain the proper pH level in a stomach, which in turn supports repair regularity.


Another powerful remedy is from the spice rack – turmeric. Its antibiotic nature aids combat bacteria that cause this severe problem. This spice can also assist keep the system working properly.

Mix half teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water. Mix it well & drink it fast, as the powder leads to settling immediately on the bottom. Drink this two or three times a day.

Natural Remedies For Foot Odor

People are quite embarrassed and consternated with foot odor. Excessive perspiration causes this common problem. The moisture and warmth give a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to prosper and flourish. Below explained are Natural Remedies For Foot Odor.

The bacteria give off the foul & unpleasant odor which becomes the bane of hygiene & cleanliness. There are many sweat glands in every foot which offer a lot of sweat. This sweat mixes with the bacteria that are naturally present on our skin as the portion of the human flora & produces bad smelling things that cause foot odor.

Effective Natural Remedies For Foot Odor

Black Tea

Black tea has several healing & curing powers. The tannins obtained in black tea should superb antibacterial qualities. They are too full of astringent properties that restrain the activity of the sweat glands & reduce the bad smell. Put to boil one liter of water & add five added teaspoons of the black tea to it. Boil for 5 minutes & cool the tea. Soak the feet in this solution for half every day.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has extensive and various uses. It is very helpful for excluding foot odor. It restricts the activity of a bacteria & the sweat glands and controls the pH balance of the skin. Put some of the warm water into the foot bath. Add two heaped tbsp of baking soda to it. Soak the feet in this solution for half an hour. Daily usage of this remedy will soon relieve you of the embarrassing foot odor.

Natural Remedies For Foot OdorEpsom Salt

Fill the foot bath with lukewarm water. Add two tbsp of Epsom salt to it & soak the feet in this solution for about half an hour, two times daily. The magnesium sulfate being in the Epsom salt brings out all the toxins or unwanted substances from the skin, eases the sweat glands and demolishes the bacteria. General use, for a month or two, will reduce the problem of the foot odor. You will no spacious feel embarrassed, the time you draw your feet out of the shoes.


Join some cornstarch & sandalwood powder commonly. After the bath, dry your feet thoroughly and before exhausting the socks, spray the blend of cornstarch & sandalwood powder, liberally in between the toes, on the soles and your feet. You should take care to use cotton socks only. Your feet will settle dry & sweet smelling during the day.

12 Effective Home Remedies For Fluid Retention

Bloating, edema, or Water retention, based on the cause, is a collection of liquid in the body. It causes tenderness & swelling about the stomach areas & the limbs. There are powerful home remedies in our regular life and diet to reduce this problem.

Below explained are few of the 12 practical home remedies for Water retention are as follows:


Having a banana assists control the flow of liquids in the cells & tissues. Hence, add banana to the cereals or hold a banana smoothie to combat water retention


Ginger aids fight the signs by acting as the mild diuretic.


To reduce the fluid collection, take parsley in a balanced way for Parsley has the diuretic effect.


Drink Cola & coffee, for some belief that the caffeine content in these drinks assists flushes out the undesired fluids from the body.

Green Tea

Drinking green tea is another method to reduce the fluid retention.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Drink a glass of the Apple Cider Vinegar blended with the glass of water to fight fluid retention.

Home Remedies For Fluid RetentionCranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice has diuretic result, therefore, is an efficient remedy for the water retention


Take lots of water daily. Drinking the glass of cold water is extremely useful for fluid retention caused by extreme intake of the salt.

Lemon With Water

Take the glass of water combined with lime juice to fight the symptoms.

Ice Packs

For fluid retention on the joints, use an ice pack for five to ten minutes. It will relieve the symptoms.


Add cabbage to the regular diet, as Cabbage has a trend to eliminate the extreme fluids from the body.


Extreme intake of sweets can bloat the stomach. As plain low-fat curd includes active cultures, having a cup of yoghurt or curd after a heavy meal improves the level of good bacteria & helps proper digestion.